French Table Lamps How Should I Redecorate My Bedroom?

How should I redecorate my bedroom? - french table lamps

- Pink + Green, daughter of the French country style, Victorian, very light and full of plants?

- Pink + Black, Bohemian chic style in the city?

- Black Rose + + green, Bohemian chic with elements of Victorian and natural?

- Pink / Wood, classic girl?

I am a student of 21 years. My room has written "girl" on it should be women and have a quiet and romantic and classical. I will also some of the reasons of the cinema, because it is my passion. I will also add some antiques, lamps, an iron bed, iron Victorian mirror, table lamp .... Victorian Rose

Well, what do you think?


ivy said...

definelty I want to go with the wood and stood up. It is the only one on the "maturity there, but young" look. and would be easy for the fish had you mentioned have classic. I paint my room, but only if I had seen it, I would certainly not with, gone to.

Christin... said...

I think 3 a.m. to 4 p.m. are really good.
So I just read your question below and I think that would be the obvious way to the Rose and Wood.

Imperfec... said...

I think you should be on the design of rosewood / go. It fits the description given, and he seems very nice.

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