Signs Of Throat Cancer Throat Cancer Signs?

Throat cancer signs? - signs of throat cancer

What are the symptoms of throat cancer and how they range from sore throat or an allergy. Today I went to an ENT (ear, nose and throat) and looked at my throat and said he had not seen doing anything wrong. I said that my throat was irritated and pain from time to time in the last four months, but said he did not see everything that's wrong. What should I do?


Shell121... said...

Earache! Pain in the jaw!

Ram D said...

This can lead to an infection elsewhere in the body, especially the stomach. You should consult your doctor and carried out the necessary tests.

Live_For... said...

Have any questions please refer to your doctor you done to an area, because that is where they put it to sleep, then a camera in the throat, while the pictures of your throat and stomach.

jennifer d said...

Neck pain may be allergies. Do you have heartburn at all? Any difficulty in swallowing? My father had cancer of the esophagus - nothing to do with smoking. She wrote it chronic heartburn, took time for diagnosis - has undergone surgery to remove a portion of the esophagus, but it was to spread already. It is very common for his age to have cancer of the larynx. Do you smoke? Through personal experience, I'd say go for an endoscope, which is a little intrusive, but perhaps you can get an ulcer, stenosis or anything - but at least you know, especially if they persist for 4 months already. Done testing blood? Be persistent with your doctor is your health and your body. Good luck.

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