Pollips What Treatments For Colon Cancer Other Than Chemo Therapy ?

What treatments for colon cancer other than Chemo therapy ? - pollips

I wonder what kind of treatment to prevent or biological treatment inavasive of colon cancer are there? Dr. said he would try much Pollips who continue in the making, and before she wanted to become cancerous, the business ... I was curious to know what treatment and what is the delay time is .. I'm sure someone else is gone throuigh unfortunately .. Please help .. Thanks in advance ..


Denisedd... said...

What do you do?
The treatment of colon cancer depends on stage of disease.
There is no treatment to prevent it.
The polyps are treated by the distance. How often should be done depends on how quickly develop.

crosssti... said...

I have stage III colon cancer and undergo surgery only had to get 8 "double my point 1, it is usually the first step removed. If they find that the cancer has progressed through Phase I, usually start as soon as chemotherapy is quite healthy after the surgery. The standard chemotherapy for colon cancer is softer than other types of chemotherapy for cancer. It still happens that you're tired and nauseous for about a day, but does not lose his hair.

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