Teal Shag Bands Meanings Do Teal And Dark Purple Match?

Do teal and dark purple match? - teal shag bands meanings

I would like my room green and blue to get purple shag carpet in my room, my consoler games, but the colors are good for a room?


Paul in San Diego said...

Yes, they do. In fact, the original colors of the Arizona Diamondbacks. That's what they look like:

http://brightstarimages.net/osc/images/0 ...

Butterfly Lover said...

Sounds pretty good! Rinse with white wood and white gauze curtains on the windows.

Butterfly Lover said...

Sounds pretty good! Rinse with white wood and white gauze curtains on the windows.

smwand said...

I love this combo! Sounds good

CountryA... said...

Perhaps a pale purple carpet to balance the richness of the walls and dildos!

xHOTxTAM... said...

Not if you know a deep purple carpet and comforter, followed with a lavender or neutral color, like the pale-gray walls. Make sure you keep the sample dark purple accessories to see whether they complement each other.

Good luck!

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